Monday, March 22, 2010

You are being called to action!

Last night the Health Care Bill passed and unfortunately it does include funding for the killing on unborn babies. Don't be mislead by the President's executive order that was used to sway pro life democrats to vote in favor of this bill.

Jay Sekulow with the American Center for Law & Justice said, "When President Obama struck a deal with pro-life Democrats and agreed to sign an Executive Order on the abortion funding issue, this did nothing to fix the fatally-flawed legislation that was approved. An Executive Order does not trump law. The legislation approved - the legislation that will be signed into law - does fund abortion. And that is what will ultimately be what controls health care - not the Executive Order." to read more:

Bart Stupak (pictured here beside President Obama), a house Democrat, who had previously been selected by a Pro-Life group to be honored at it's next major function for his previous strong stand for life has had his invitation and nomination revoked for his because of his decision to vote for this Pro Abortion Health Care Bill.

Susan B. Anthony List Candidate Fund President Marjorie Dannenfelser said the group was revoking its "Defender of Life" award to Stupak, which was to be awarded at its Wednesday night gala. "We were planning to honor Congressman Stupak for his efforts to keep abortion-funding out of health care reform. We will no longer be doing so," Dannenfelser said. "Let me be clear: any representative, including Rep. Stupak, who votes for this health care bill can no longer call themselves 'pro-life.'"

Mr. Stupak is smart enough to know that President Obama's Executive order was a useless political ploy to offer him a basin in which to wash his hands free of any political blood. Sounds eerily close to Pontius Pilate washing his hands to signal that he wasn't responsible to for Christ's Crucifixion yet sealing his fate at the same time.

Further proof of this is the fact that Pro-Abortion group Planned Parenthood is boasting of VICTORY for abortion rights saying, "Thanks to supporters like you, we were able to keep the Stupak abortion ban out of the final legislation and President Obama did not include the Stupak language in his Executive Order."
To read more:

What as a Christian American can you do?

1. You can pray for those in authority. (1 Tim 2:2-4)

2. You can join in this righteous battle by supporting Pro-Life groups who stand up for and defend the life of the unborn as well as Christian Liberties. For example:
National - American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ):,
State - California Family Council (CFC):,
Local - Western Center for Law & Policy (WCLP): (based right here in Escondido),
General - Christian Anti-Defamation Commission (CADC):
(2 Chr 31:1, 34:6) + good commentary on purging sin from your own backyard:

Don't re-elect candidates that voted for or supported this Pro-Abortion Health Care Bill.

4. Learn about your God given stewardship responsibility to be Salt & Light in this culture and put your faith into action by enrolling in the School of Christian Development's follow up class to the "Truth Project" to be held in July (date to be announced soon) at Rancho Del Rey Church in San Marcos:

Just don't be caught sleeping! The laborers are few! Stay alert! Be ready! OK you get the picture...Live Jesus!

1 comment:

Bradlee Baldwin said...

Ultimately, we are citizens of Heaven. That's not to demean the importance of staying involved in our duties as citizens of the US. But no matter how much the country is degenerating we can be confident in one thing - Jesus Rules and he is coming back!!