Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Burger King Can Expect Boycotts From Square Butts Commercial

Burger King can expect Boycotts. Joanna Douglas of Shine Staff has hit the nail on the head with this article (link below). Burger King's latest Square Butts TV ad has effectively offended a growing segment of society that will react negatively to what they deem to be backsliding from traditional family values. Burger King can expect boycotts and pressure from concerned family values consumers on this one.

The fact of the matter is that Burger King got what it wanted here, publicity. At the time of my post there were one thousand six hundred seventy six comments posted on this one article alone.

Now before you go saying that I support the old adage that there is no such thing as negative publicity please know that I firmly believe that in a country with the right to free speech we should be speaking out on issues like this. Just because Burger King got what it wanted doesn't mean that what it wanted is beneficial to their company.

With a growing segment of society tiring of what they consider to be a rapid departure from traditional family values, those individuals are rallying to speak out more frequently and actually boycotting more companies to make their presence felt. No group of people enjoys feeling marginalized by society and when they do, you will here about it. The Janet Jackson Superbowl wardrobe malfunction became the proverbial "straw the broke the camel's back"

Want to sell more burgers? Here's a suggestion, don't offend your customer base. It may work for the music industry but it doesn't work for the fast food industry. With many family values consumers already worried about the content of fast food, you don't need to give them any more reasons not to visit your establishment with the content of your televised ads.

I would encourage all of you to read the following article, watch the Burger King ad in question (Caution: Offensive, but viewing it is an unfortunate necessity to understand what your commenting on) and leave a comment. We must be heard from folks. Consider Proverbs 1:10,32 10 My son, if sinners entice you, do not give in to them. 32 For the waywardness of the simple will kill them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them. Please also remember to pray for the marketing staff at Burger King.

Here's the link:

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