Monday, March 22, 2010

You are being called to action!

Last night the Health Care Bill passed and unfortunately it does include funding for the killing on unborn babies. Don't be mislead by the President's executive order that was used to sway pro life democrats to vote in favor of this bill.

Jay Sekulow with the American Center for Law & Justice said, "When President Obama struck a deal with pro-life Democrats and agreed to sign an Executive Order on the abortion funding issue, this did nothing to fix the fatally-flawed legislation that was approved. An Executive Order does not trump law. The legislation approved - the legislation that will be signed into law - does fund abortion. And that is what will ultimately be what controls health care - not the Executive Order." to read more:

Bart Stupak (pictured here beside President Obama), a house Democrat, who had previously been selected by a Pro-Life group to be honored at it's next major function for his previous strong stand for life has had his invitation and nomination revoked for his because of his decision to vote for this Pro Abortion Health Care Bill.

Susan B. Anthony List Candidate Fund President Marjorie Dannenfelser said the group was revoking its "Defender of Life" award to Stupak, which was to be awarded at its Wednesday night gala. "We were planning to honor Congressman Stupak for his efforts to keep abortion-funding out of health care reform. We will no longer be doing so," Dannenfelser said. "Let me be clear: any representative, including Rep. Stupak, who votes for this health care bill can no longer call themselves 'pro-life.'"

Mr. Stupak is smart enough to know that President Obama's Executive order was a useless political ploy to offer him a basin in which to wash his hands free of any political blood. Sounds eerily close to Pontius Pilate washing his hands to signal that he wasn't responsible to for Christ's Crucifixion yet sealing his fate at the same time.

Further proof of this is the fact that Pro-Abortion group Planned Parenthood is boasting of VICTORY for abortion rights saying, "Thanks to supporters like you, we were able to keep the Stupak abortion ban out of the final legislation and President Obama did not include the Stupak language in his Executive Order."
To read more:

What as a Christian American can you do?

1. You can pray for those in authority. (1 Tim 2:2-4)

2. You can join in this righteous battle by supporting Pro-Life groups who stand up for and defend the life of the unborn as well as Christian Liberties. For example:
National - American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ):,
State - California Family Council (CFC):,
Local - Western Center for Law & Policy (WCLP): (based right here in Escondido),
General - Christian Anti-Defamation Commission (CADC):
(2 Chr 31:1, 34:6) + good commentary on purging sin from your own backyard:

Don't re-elect candidates that voted for or supported this Pro-Abortion Health Care Bill.

4. Learn about your God given stewardship responsibility to be Salt & Light in this culture and put your faith into action by enrolling in the School of Christian Development's follow up class to the "Truth Project" to be held in July (date to be announced soon) at Rancho Del Rey Church in San Marcos:

Just don't be caught sleeping! The laborers are few! Stay alert! Be ready! OK you get the picture...Live Jesus!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Burger King Can Expect Boycotts From Square Butts Commercial

Burger King can expect Boycotts. Joanna Douglas of Shine Staff has hit the nail on the head with this article (link below). Burger King's latest Square Butts TV ad has effectively offended a growing segment of society that will react negatively to what they deem to be backsliding from traditional family values. Burger King can expect boycotts and pressure from concerned family values consumers on this one.

The fact of the matter is that Burger King got what it wanted here, publicity. At the time of my post there were one thousand six hundred seventy six comments posted on this one article alone.

Now before you go saying that I support the old adage that there is no such thing as negative publicity please know that I firmly believe that in a country with the right to free speech we should be speaking out on issues like this. Just because Burger King got what it wanted doesn't mean that what it wanted is beneficial to their company.

With a growing segment of society tiring of what they consider to be a rapid departure from traditional family values, those individuals are rallying to speak out more frequently and actually boycotting more companies to make their presence felt. No group of people enjoys feeling marginalized by society and when they do, you will here about it. The Janet Jackson Superbowl wardrobe malfunction became the proverbial "straw the broke the camel's back"

Want to sell more burgers? Here's a suggestion, don't offend your customer base. It may work for the music industry but it doesn't work for the fast food industry. With many family values consumers already worried about the content of fast food, you don't need to give them any more reasons not to visit your establishment with the content of your televised ads.

I would encourage all of you to read the following article, watch the Burger King ad in question (Caution: Offensive, but viewing it is an unfortunate necessity to understand what your commenting on) and leave a comment. We must be heard from folks. Consider Proverbs 1:10,32 10 My son, if sinners entice you, do not give in to them. 32 For the waywardness of the simple will kill them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them. Please also remember to pray for the marketing staff at Burger King.

Here's the link:

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Years Charge to Keep!

Happy New Year everyone! In the spirit of doing striving for better in 2009 I believe that we must continue to pray and submit to God's will. Part of this is done through obeying our stewardship responsibilities of this elected form of Government He's entrusted us with.

Another part of this is praying for those in authority. Whether you voted for him or not, please lift up President Obama and his family in prayer often. They will definitely need it in these trying times and hopefully they will seek God's guidance in all that they do.

A point to ponder is that If the people in this country be led by corrupt charlatans it is because the majority of the people have not demanded better at the voting booth. If we are unsatisfied with the lot of candidates before us then we must encourage Godly people to run and then get behind them not only with our time and enthusiasm but financially, too.

Let's face it, campaigns cost money and a lot of it. We absolutely must do this. Most cling to their money very tightly and some are very generous in their giving to the Church and good causes. Fewer donate any money to political campaigns. We must begin viewing financially supporting strong Christian candidates as supporting a ministry. Let me be crystal clear here, if we do not we will not win elections and will not be able to be salt & light in these areas in which Christ's truth and love is needed so very badly!

Since no one except King Jesus will ever satisfy us fully in this regard we must not demand perfection but at least someone who's heart is after God's and is humble enough to accept corrective criticism when he or she fails. Some current politicians to watch closely are Gov. Mike Huckabee and Gov. Sarah Palin. Notice I said watch closely and not blindly accept. These two candidates have both been outspoken about their faith in Christ, which in this politically correct climate is no small feat. Let's corporately commit to lifting them both up in prayer every day until the next presidential election and see what the Lord will do!

If we want real God blessed results and for the Holy Spirit to move in this arena then let us get specific in our prayer life. Yes the Holy Spirit can and does convey the unspoken groanings of our hearts but let us not use this as a crutch. The power of faithful prayer is unstoppable! I will be developing a list of Christian Candidates to pray for in 2009 and I hope that you'll join me in standing firm as we rebuild the city gates! To Christ alone be the glory, amen!!

Your humble servant,

Christopher White

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Cal Thomas calls Christians to unilaterally disarm

It is disappointing when Christian conservatives who are engaged in the battle for the soul of the nation are subjected to misguided ideas of influential Christians like syndicated columnist Cal Thomas. In his latest column, Thomas pronounces a requiem for the religious right.

According to Thomas, the last election is proof that Christians' attempt to influence the future of the nation for the past thirty years was in vain. Thomas advocates a retreat from the public square and limits Christians' duty to preaching the gospel and doing good works.

Letting the culture disintegrate without a peep from Christians while we wait for a revival is, according to Thomas, the righteous thing to do. But this is contrary to our biblical duties and historical precedence.

A Lesson From History

The Great Awakening in America starting in the 1730's did bring about social transformation. But the Awakening was preceded by efforts on the part of faithful Christians to reform public policy.

James Oglethorpe sought to reform England's prisons. Due to the "gin craze," Queen Caroline passed prohibition legislation against the sale of gin. Queen Anne established free schools for indigent children. The Society for the Reformation of Manners helped to convict nearly one hundred thousand people for debauchery and profaneness.

Raising the issue of public sins like drunkenness, brought conviction of sin and helped to break up the spiritually fallow ground in England and the colonies. The revival harvest came forth from seeds planted in the spiritual soil tilled by social reformers. So God used both means; first the preaching of social righteousness and then the gospel.

Thomas minimizes the efforts of Christians who are not willing to surrender their spiritual and constitutional birthrights. He offers a false choice and a limited view of the gospel that is not worthy of the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

What's a Christian to Do?

Jesus commanded Christians to be the salt and light of the world. As salt, Christians are commanded to act as a preservative, mitigating the effects of sin decay. As salty advocates for biblical righteousness and justice, the Christian's duty is not limited to the personal, familial, or spiritual realms. Being the salt of the world extends to all of life, including the realm of public policy.

Imagine what kind of world it would be if Christians did not resist the most egregious sinful impulses of radical secularists. Why they might try to take their second grade public school students on field trips to homosexual marriages. They might take their minor daughters to get risky, surgical abortions without notifying the parents. But Thomas tells Christians they should be silent and just feed the poor.

Christians are also to shine as lights, reflecting God's character and truth. While Christians ought to reflect love and service, they must also stand boldly for biblical truth and morality. God is not just perfect love. God is also perfect truth, righteousness and justice. Christians must reflect all of the character of God, not just the parts we prefer or the world accepts.

This is not necessarily going to win friends. Jesus warned us that the world hates the light because it will expose man's evil deeds. Being the light means standing for the truth out of a loving concern for the consequences, eternal and temporal, to individuals and society. Often the only thanks you get for doing this are insults.

No one other than Jesus Christ has ever been perfect salt and light, having come from the Father in perfect grace and truth. He was reviled, slandered and killed because he bore witness to the truth.

Being salt and light is the duty of every Christian. If we refuse to be the stinging salt and blinding light we make ourselves worthless. If we lose our effect as salt, Jesus said we deserve to be trampled on. Thomas would have us abandon our duty, but for what?

Thomas thinks that if Christians will just stick to loving people in his very narrowly defined way, and lay down our duties and rights to preserve and illuminate the culture, we will have real transformational influence, not empty political influence. This is a false choice.

Being salt and light does mean preaching the gospel and seeing God change the individual. It includes doing good to the widows and orphans, the sick and the poor. Studies have shown if you want to find voluntary works of compassion and charity, religious conservatives do much more than any other group. From hurricane and tsunami relief, to pregnancy care centers, homeless shelters, and hospices, it is religious conservatives that are generally the first on the scene and the last ones to leave.

It is not a choice between preaching the gospel or doing works of mercy or standing for biblical values. We can and must do it all.

Being "salty lights" consists of displaying obedience to Jesus Christ in every aspect of life. That includes the political debate about the future of our nation. Christians believe that God really cares about matters of killing unborn babies, the institution of marriage, religious liberty, just judges, parental rights in education, etc. These concerns are based on biblical values.

Cal Thomas suggests that Christians ought to serve in obscurity and a diminution. Ironically, he uses his nationally syndicated column to advance this idea. If he were serious, he would quit writing and go work in a homeless shelter.

Thomas is unable to follow his own advice because it is fundamentally flawed. He writes because he wants to impact the market place of ideas and influence public life. Why does he object when others want to do the same? Thomas ought to applaud Christians who are attempting to do the same thing he is doing only by other means.

(Content of this post was provided by the CADC)

PO Box 1115
Vista, CA 92084

To contact the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission email

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Why you must vote Yes on Prop 4 !!

Some conservative folks are espousing that a yes vote on Proposition 4 may have negative unintended consequences and are urging people to vote no. While I understand their concerns, let me be clear; a no vote will murder more babies!

The (conservative) argument against proposition 4 in a nutshell goes like this:
Prop 4 (C): Waiting Period and Parental Notification Before Termination of Minor's
Pregnancy (Sarah's Law)

Concerns: Places "emotional abuse" and broader definition of "family" into Constitution; may open door for greater government intrusion into family and weakening of nuclear family rights; California activist courts are antagonistic to parental authority in general – this may provide a legal wedge for new precedents; false abuse claims may force parents into court.

Consider: As it stands now, most sexual predators and criminal offenders are not caught; access to abortion has very little counter; increased parental involvement will save babies; however – another Prop 4 in future is uncertain; unintended consequences are difficult to clearly define; State should protect life & family.

A local attorney had this to say in favor of voting Yes on Prop 4:

"They've placed this waiting-period/parental notification initiative on the ballot three times so far, and failed each time. So they had to include a few more concessions to have a hope of getting it passed and having the courts uphold it if it is passed. That's just the political reality. These are committed pro-life activists who are pushing this initiative, and I strongly support it. It's silly to think we can have a conservative utopia, especially in California. You can either have a perfect initiative that gets 35% of the vote or a good-but-less-than-perfect one that gets 51% of the vote." Timothy White, Esquire Attorney at Law (conservative Christian)

I also called and spoke to someone over at the Yes on Prop 4 campaign headquarters and he did acknowledge this as being a concern that is being voiced by some. His response in a nutshell was that if young girls were to use the excuse that they feared emotional abuse at home, it would require both her and the doctor to actually file charges against the parents. Which he espouses will not be gone through with lightly.

So it seems that these concerns are valid however it also seems like a stretch to think that young women would go through with false accusations knowing that they would be facing charges themselves if the charges are proven to be erroneous. I also understand the concern that it leaves the definition of what constitutes "emotional abuse" up to the state, a scary notion in itself.

All in all it seems to have gained the backing of the Tony Perkins and the F.R.C. (Family Research Council) and several other major Values Voter and reform based conservative organizations who have had they're legal teams pour over all of the details. In the end they seem to be comfortable enough with it to lend their support. Consequently, I feel comfortable with my decision to continue my support for Yes on Prop 4.

The radical left gay agenda is fighting traditional marriage, DOMA, and "don't ask don't tell" at the same time and if we can learn anything from the opposition it's the fact that they're content to win little battles here and there with the end game being winning the war. For them that is the normalization and universal, compulsory acceptance of the gay lifestyle as a protected class. They've been incredibly successful thus far. Approximately two point seven percent of the population is running roughshod over the rest of the country with this strategy.

In the interest of fighting fire with "Holy" fire we must gain the ground we can now without hog-tying ourselves with endless hypotheticals. We simply notate the possible consequences, weigh them against the greater good, and plan ahead to fight those battles later, prayerfully with less dead babies in the meantime.

Remember to mail your absentee ballots in asap or go to your polling place to vote on November 4th. Additionally and most importantly, pray fervently for the election of candidates that share our Christian values and for Propositions 4 and 8 to pass.

Keep living Jesus!

Monday, September 22, 2008

He Said, She Said

Re-Post from FRC Action:

He Said, She Said

When Charlotte Preece met David Schroer for an interview in 2005, he seemed like the perfect candidate for a job with the Congressional Research Service (CRS). As a retired colonel and Special Forces commander, he'd been involved in combat missions and as a counter terrorism adviser to the Pentagon's elite. Impressed by his credentials, Preece made a job offer that Schroer accepted. Just a few weeks before his first day, Schroer admitted over lunch with Preece that he had been living as a cross-dresser and planned to start his job as a woman named Diane. The news shocked Preece, who felt he applied under false pretenses. The next day she called David and said she couldn't hire him. Angry, Schroer sued the Library of Congress, which oversees CRS, for violating the Civil Rights Act.

After three years of legal debate, U.S. District Judge James Robinson sided with Schroer, ruling Friday that he was a victim of "sex discrimination." To justify his judicial activism, Judge Robinson equated Schroer's sex change to that of a religious conversion--a poor analogy since religion is a matter of choice whereas one's sex is an inborn reality. Furthermore, how could this be sex discrimination if transsexuals aren't a protected class under the Civil Rights Act?

Unfortunately, the far Left won't need the courts to push their agenda if Congress passes ENDA (the Employment Non-Discrimination Act). It would mandate that employers check their personal beliefs at the door and hire homosexuals, whether or not they're best suited for the job. Although the current version of ENDA doesn't grant these special workplace rights to transsexuals, there's strong belief that any future version would be all-inclusive.

Additional Resources
CNN: Transsexual wins lawsuit against Library of Congress

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Cardinal Egan blasts House Speaker Pelosi

Hey everyone,

Many of you may have watched the popular Sunday morning show meet the press this past week. Tom Brokaw (who has taken over as the shows host since the passing of Tim Russert) asked some very relevant questions of the speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, D-CA. Tom asked her about Obama's answer to the question on when life begins (this question was posed to Sen.Obama at the Saddleback Church Presidential forum last week) and whether she agreed with it or not.

Video clip of Tom Brokaw's question to Speaker Pelosi:

The Catholic Church's response:

Please do not be fooled. This upcoming election is very important and the two Presidential Candidates could not be more different in their views on crucial issues facing the Church and Americans in general. We as Christians must develop and make decisions based on a Biblical Worldview. This means that if God says it's bad we don't say it's good and so on and so forth. In the near future and over the course of this year we will undoubtedly be offering classes and instruction regarding the Christian's role in civil society and his/her duty to God and country. This is really a must learn for all Christian Americans, which I'm pretty sure we all are.

Keep living Jesus!

Christopher White

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