Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Cardinal Egan blasts House Speaker Pelosi

Hey everyone,

Many of you may have watched the popular Sunday morning show meet the press this past week. Tom Brokaw (who has taken over as the shows host since the passing of Tim Russert) asked some very relevant questions of the speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, D-CA. Tom asked her about Obama's answer to the question on when life begins (this question was posed to Sen.Obama at the Saddleback Church Presidential forum last week) and whether she agreed with it or not.

Video clip of Tom Brokaw's question to Speaker Pelosi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwUSt7dfj5I

The Catholic Church's response: http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/new.php?n=13638

Please do not be fooled. This upcoming election is very important and the two Presidential Candidates could not be more different in their views on crucial issues facing the Church and Americans in general. We as Christians must develop and make decisions based on a Biblical Worldview. This means that if God says it's bad we don't say it's good and so on and so forth. In the near future and over the course of this year we will undoubtedly be offering classes and instruction regarding the Christian's role in civil society and his/her duty to God and country. This is really a must learn for all Christian Americans, which I'm pretty sure we all are.

Keep living Jesus!

Christopher White

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