Friday, January 2, 2009

New Years Charge to Keep!

Happy New Year everyone! In the spirit of doing striving for better in 2009 I believe that we must continue to pray and submit to God's will. Part of this is done through obeying our stewardship responsibilities of this elected form of Government He's entrusted us with.

Another part of this is praying for those in authority. Whether you voted for him or not, please lift up President Obama and his family in prayer often. They will definitely need it in these trying times and hopefully they will seek God's guidance in all that they do.

A point to ponder is that If the people in this country be led by corrupt charlatans it is because the majority of the people have not demanded better at the voting booth. If we are unsatisfied with the lot of candidates before us then we must encourage Godly people to run and then get behind them not only with our time and enthusiasm but financially, too.

Let's face it, campaigns cost money and a lot of it. We absolutely must do this. Most cling to their money very tightly and some are very generous in their giving to the Church and good causes. Fewer donate any money to political campaigns. We must begin viewing financially supporting strong Christian candidates as supporting a ministry. Let me be crystal clear here, if we do not we will not win elections and will not be able to be salt & light in these areas in which Christ's truth and love is needed so very badly!

Since no one except King Jesus will ever satisfy us fully in this regard we must not demand perfection but at least someone who's heart is after God's and is humble enough to accept corrective criticism when he or she fails. Some current politicians to watch closely are Gov. Mike Huckabee and Gov. Sarah Palin. Notice I said watch closely and not blindly accept. These two candidates have both been outspoken about their faith in Christ, which in this politically correct climate is no small feat. Let's corporately commit to lifting them both up in prayer every day until the next presidential election and see what the Lord will do!

If we want real God blessed results and for the Holy Spirit to move in this arena then let us get specific in our prayer life. Yes the Holy Spirit can and does convey the unspoken groanings of our hearts but let us not use this as a crutch. The power of faithful prayer is unstoppable! I will be developing a list of Christian Candidates to pray for in 2009 and I hope that you'll join me in standing firm as we rebuild the city gates! To Christ alone be the glory, amen!!

Your humble servant,

Christopher White