Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Why you must vote Yes on Prop 4 !!

Some conservative folks are espousing that a yes vote on Proposition 4 may have negative unintended consequences and are urging people to vote no. While I understand their concerns, let me be clear; a no vote will murder more babies!

The (conservative) argument against proposition 4 in a nutshell goes like this:
Prop 4 (C): Waiting Period and Parental Notification Before Termination of Minor's
Pregnancy (Sarah's Law)

Concerns: Places "emotional abuse" and broader definition of "family" into Constitution; may open door for greater government intrusion into family and weakening of nuclear family rights; California activist courts are antagonistic to parental authority in general – this may provide a legal wedge for new precedents; false abuse claims may force parents into court.

Consider: As it stands now, most sexual predators and criminal offenders are not caught; access to abortion has very little counter; increased parental involvement will save babies; however – another Prop 4 in future is uncertain; unintended consequences are difficult to clearly define; State should protect life & family.

A local attorney had this to say in favor of voting Yes on Prop 4:

"They've placed this waiting-period/parental notification initiative on the ballot three times so far, and failed each time. So they had to include a few more concessions to have a hope of getting it passed and having the courts uphold it if it is passed. That's just the political reality. These are committed pro-life activists who are pushing this initiative, and I strongly support it. It's silly to think we can have a conservative utopia, especially in California. You can either have a perfect initiative that gets 35% of the vote or a good-but-less-than-perfect one that gets 51% of the vote." Timothy White, Esquire Attorney at Law (conservative Christian)

I also called and spoke to someone over at the Yes on Prop 4 campaign headquarters and he did acknowledge this as being a concern that is being voiced by some. His response in a nutshell was that if young girls were to use the excuse that they feared emotional abuse at home, it would require both her and the doctor to actually file charges against the parents. Which he espouses will not be gone through with lightly.

So it seems that these concerns are valid however it also seems like a stretch to think that young women would go through with false accusations knowing that they would be facing charges themselves if the charges are proven to be erroneous. I also understand the concern that it leaves the definition of what constitutes "emotional abuse" up to the state, a scary notion in itself.

All in all it seems to have gained the backing of the Tony Perkins and the F.R.C. (Family Research Council) and several other major Values Voter and reform based conservative organizations who have had they're legal teams pour over all of the details. In the end they seem to be comfortable enough with it to lend their support. Consequently, I feel comfortable with my decision to continue my support for Yes on Prop 4.

The radical left gay agenda is fighting traditional marriage, DOMA, and "don't ask don't tell" at the same time and if we can learn anything from the opposition it's the fact that they're content to win little battles here and there with the end game being winning the war. For them that is the normalization and universal, compulsory acceptance of the gay lifestyle as a protected class. They've been incredibly successful thus far. Approximately two point seven percent of the population is running roughshod over the rest of the country with this strategy.

In the interest of fighting fire with "Holy" fire we must gain the ground we can now without hog-tying ourselves with endless hypotheticals. We simply notate the possible consequences, weigh them against the greater good, and plan ahead to fight those battles later, prayerfully with less dead babies in the meantime.

Remember to mail your absentee ballots in asap or go to your polling place to vote on November 4th. Additionally and most importantly, pray fervently for the election of candidates that share our Christian values and for Propositions 4 and 8 to pass.

Keep living Jesus!