Monday, April 28, 2008

Tolerance, Diversity and the Freedom to Choose

This is a very thought provoking article and is especially relevant right now. Please pay special attention to the highlighted statements towards the end of the article.

Tolerance, Diversity and the Freedom to Choose

Homosexual activists try to redefine 'tolerance' in their search for approval, endorsement and support.

SUMMARY: Homosexual activists try to redefine 'tolerance' in their search for approval, endorsement and support.

In the ongoing cultural debate about homosexuality, I am continually amazed by the hypocrisy I see from those who loudly call for “tolerance” and unquestioned acceptance of “diversity” — but then do everything in their power to stifle all opposing views to their politically correct, pro-gay agenda.

And, even more ironically, those who chant the mantra of “tolerance” are typically the same people who believe that all people should have the “right to choose” on whatever the issue. Yet, they would deny this very right to those who want to walk away from an unwanted gay identity.

Apparently, in today’s America you can still Be Who You Want to Be — so long as it isn’t “ex-gay,” “post-gay” or formerly homosexual.

But even more troubling is the intolerant way those calling for “tolerance” lash out — either in silence or with words — against those who disagree with them or dare to consider the idea that homosexuality might actually be a changeable condition. For example, many gay activists and their allies routinely say that those who believe people can change their sexual identity are evil, dangerous, hateful and bigoted. And for those who experience unwanted same-sex attractions, the activists say they are simply “self-loathing” or “self-repressed” because they aren’t “being who they are.”

We even see evidence of this “intolerance by the tolerant” in our schools and universities. For example, Dr. Frederick W. Hill, a school administrator, said, “It is the mission of public schools not to tolerate intolerances.” And then there is Canadian Professor Leslie Armour, who said, “Our idea is that to be a virtuous citizen is to be one who tolerates everything except intolerance.”

With views like these, it seems clear that when people talk about “tolerance” today, they’re often expressing a politically correct viewpoint. However, a look at Webster’s dictionary reveals that this new definition of the word is very different from how the term has traditionally been understood. According to Webster, to “tolerate” has traditionally meant “to recognize and respect (others’ beliefs, practices, etc.) without sharing them,” and “to bear or put up with (someone or something not especially liked).”

Thus, true tolerance means respecting and protecting the legitimate rights of others — even if you disagree with them. And it means listening to and learning from people from other perspectives and backgrounds and accepting them as individuals — while not necessarily affirming their beliefs or behavior. In a nutshell, tolerance means that “everyone has a right to his or her own opinion.”

However, when it comes to the issue of homosexuality and whether or not people can change their sexual identity, the gay activists only want one side of the story to be told in the schools. They don’t want you to know that thousands of people like me exist — people who used to self-identify as gay but now have moved beyond that label and live and love out of a heterosexual identity.

And not only do they not want you to know about the reality of former homosexuals, they’re trying to redefine the word tolerance to convince you that in order to be “truly tolerant,” you must give your approval, endorsement and support to their belief that homosexual behavior is natural, normal and something to be celebrated. And this politically correct push to validate homosexuality — which includes bisexuality and transgenderism — is not only happening in the schools, but in all arenas of society.

The bottom line with these intolerant high priests of tolerance is that those who fail to “toe the line” on this issue are often intimidated into silence by being labeled as “homophobes” and bigots. However, the good news is that the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees every American the right to freedom of both speech and religious expression. And those who oppose homosexual behavior based on religious, ethical and/or moral beliefs have the right to express their views in the spirit of traditional and true tolerance established by our Founding Fathers.

Truth is, there are many people who experience same-sex attractions but who, because of their religious or ethical views, have made the personal decision to pursue change. I (Caleb Price) am one of these people. And you should know that even pro-gay mental health groups like the American Psychological Association say that people have the right to self-determination — to choose their own path — when it comes to sexuality.

Given that tolerance — correctly understood — necessarily goes both ways, students have the right to hear both sides of the debate in their schools. Not only is it intolerant and un-American to present only one side of the debate in the public schools, it’s dangerous because it doesn’t allow people the freedom to think and choose for themselves.

In America, we’re blessed with the freedom to make choices about how we define ourselves and steward our sexuality as we see fit. If people want to change their sexual identity, it’s their right. And people who call for “tolerance” should be tolerant of the “diversity” that former homosexuals represent.

The Rancho Del Rey Church Salt & Light Ministry salutes Caleb Price for his boldness in standing for light and truth on the battle field of ideas!

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All opinions are welcome here. However yours may be contested by another. Iron sharpens iron! Issues such as this, though uncomfortable ground for many, simply must be talked about.

Christians should not take the ostrich "head in the sand" mentality when it comes to hot button issues. Christ didn't hesitate to make bold statements in the face of adversity and neither should we providing that His glory and and the salvation of sinners is the centerpiece of our intent.
Keep living Jesus!

Focus on the Family's Love Won Out ministry reaches out to those struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction.